Thursday 29 June 2017

Enviro Visit to Rotokare

Enviro visit to Rotokare

In term 2 the years 5, 6 and the enviro leaders went on a bus ride to Rotokare! We were going there because it was for all of the enviro schools to learn more about pests and plants that can help us to survive and ancient maori games. We got put in groups and with our groups we had to go to lots of different activities. For example one of the activities was learning about traps and what pests look like. We got to try and guess what animals had made the foot marks on the ink tracks. We also did Maori stick and string games, we also learnt some old Maori stories and myths like the battle of the mountains and another one that is about using your manners and asking before you use something that isn’t yours. Another activity was about a new recycling centre and that it is going to be built next year and we had to do skits about where the entrance is for buses, cars and trucks and where the drop off zone is. One of the other activities was how to reuse lettuce plants, we even got to plant some of our own!Another activity was getting to see gecko’s and skinks, we got to guess what they were either a skink or a gecko. We also did a love food hate waste activity, most of us learnt the whole apple cycle and how many apples get wasted a day! Another activity was about plants and their uses. For example flax can be used for weaving, making baskets and ropes, there is a little thread inside it and that can be used for threading your skin together when you have cuts and wounds. The last activity was guessing how people used to use items in the olden days. The day was absolutely awesome!!!
Written by Keighley and Tess Room 6

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